The City Municipality of Palilula celebrated its Patron Saint -day “Assembly of Serbian Saints” on September 13th, in St. Nicholas Church. The celebration, which was held with a limited number...
The Chairman of Niš City Assembly, Mr. Boban Džunić, appeared on local TV “Zona”. The occasion of his visit was the third session of Niš City Assembly, as well as...
The City Municipality of Palilula celebrated its Patron Saint -day “Assembly of Serbian Saints” on September 13th, in St. Nicholas Church. The celebration, which was held with a limited number...
The Chairman of Niš City Assembly, Mr. Boban Džunić, appeared on local TV “Zona”. The occasion of his visit was the third session of Niš City Assembly, as well as...
The third session of the Assembly of the City of Niš was held today. The session, which had nine items on the agenda, was held in the Officer’s Club due...
The Chairman of Niš City Assembly, Mr. Boban Džunić held a meeting with the heads of the Councilor groups in the Assembly of the City of Niš today. The session...
The constitutive session of the Committee for Mandate and Immunity Issues was held in the Assembly of the City of Niš, on the 3rd of September, 2020. The head of...
The first sitting of the Administrative Issues Committee was held in Niš City Assembly on Friday, on 28th of August 28, 2020. The Administrative Issues Committee is headed by Nikola...
August 21, 2020 The members of the City of Nis Assembly elected Mrs. Dragana Sotirovski from Serbian Progressive Party as the new Mayor of the City of Nis. Dušica Davidović,...
October 25 Roma Policy Officer in the European Commission, Marta Garcia Fidalgo and Project Manager for Social Inclusion and Minority Rights at the EU Delegation to Serbia, Mirjana Maksimovic...
October 23 The City of Niš, within the framework of the Program “Support to EU Roma Inclusion – Empowering Local Communities for Roma Inclusion”, implements the project “Nis Employment Action...
October 22 The satisfaction with local self-government authorities, administrative services and civil servants has been increasing continuously, and now almost one in two citizens in Central Serbia feels that...
ВАЖНО ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ О ВОДОСНАБДЕВАЊУ Петак 04.10. 2024. ПЛАНИРАНИ РАДОВИ ЗА ВИКЕНД У СУБОТУ 05.10.2024. И НЕДЕЉУ 06.10.2024. ПЛАНИРАЈУ СЕ ПОПРАВКЕ НА ВОДОВОДНОЈ МРЕЖИ ПЛАНИРАНИ РАДОВИ У УЛИЦИ МОНАХИЊЕ ЈЕФИМИЈЕ (субота 05.10.2024.) Вода на површини, планира се ископ и оспсобљавање првог вентила у улици Монахиње Јефимије, код броја 13. Због поправке прикључне […]
ВАЖНО САОПШТЕЊЕ О ВОДОСНАБДЕВАЊУ Среда 02.10.2024. ХАВАРИЈА НА БУЛЕВАРУ НЕМАЊИЋА КОД ГАБРОВАЧКОГ МОСТА Дошло је до хаварије на водоводној мрежи на Булевару Немањића код Габровачког моста и ОШ „Ћеле Кула“. Због интервенције, водоснабдевање ће бити у прекиду до 20 часова на ширем простору од Сремске улице преко дела Булевара Немањића до дела насеља […]
ВАЖНО ОБАВЕШТЕЊЕ О ВОДОСНАБДЕВАЊУ Среда 02.10.2024. КВАРОВИ НА ВОДОВОДНОЈ МРЕЖИ И ПРЕКИДИ У ВОДОСНАБДЕВАЊУ РАДОВИ НА МРЕЖИ ИЗМЕЂУ ОБИЛИЋЕВОГ ВЕНЦА И КИЧЕВА Због радова на превезивању нове на постојећу водоводну мрежу, доћи ће до прекида водоснабдевања до 15 часова на ширем простору од Кичева и Вардарске улице, Новопазарске улице до пруге и од […]
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