Slavoljub Savic, retired telecommunications officer from Nis, was born in 1964. He completed his high school military education (telecommunications) in Sarajevo and Belgrade. He graduated from the Military Academy (telecommunications department) in Belgrade in 1987. During his professional career he performed the duties of Commander, Assistant Commander of Telecommunication Departments, Telecommunications Officer, Commander of the 4th Stationary Liaison Center and Chief of Human Resources at 3rd Stationary Liaison Center of the Communications Brigade. He worked as the Technical Secretary of the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia Assembly Group at Nis City Assembly from 2018 to 2019. Since 2017 he has been the Secretary of Nis City Organization of Pensioners. He is the Vice President of the City Board of Party of United Pensioners of Serbia in Nis and the member of the Executive Board of Party of United Pensioners of Serbia.
He is married and the father of two children.