Nis City Mayor Darko Bulatovic with his associates visited the works on the reconstruction of the Health Care Center, the roof repairs, repair and replacement of waterproofing, repair of facades, replacement of worn-out carpentry and joinery, aluminum windows, refurbishing toilets, complete replacement of water and sewage installations, repair and servicing of air conditioning and landscaping are planned . “Thanks to the support of the Serbian government 106 million dinars will be invested in the reconstruction of the central building of the Health Care Center. I am convinced that the realization of this project would help achieve better energy efficiency, and therefore significant savings on energy costs and the employees will have better working conditions for providing adequate health services to patients, “as Nis City Mayor Darko Bulatovic said. According to the director of Health Care Center Milorad Jerkan theworks are proceeding according to plan, and they will be carried out in stages and will last 150 days. During this time the institution is operating at full capacity. The deadline for completion is July 7th