Great Britain


  • An exhibition of photographs by the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was opened in the Historical Archives of Niš. In the year marking the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War, the exhibition The British and the Second World War in Yugoslavia brings valuable testimony dedicated to the victims of the Serbian people, but also to members of British units and all those who supported the struggle of the Yugoslav peoples until final victory over fascism. Hundreds of photographs, parts of uniforms and documents are part of the permanent exhibition of the museum in London and testify to how important the role of the British was in this area from 1941 to 1944. The exhibition is supplemented with photographs and documents from the Historical Archive of Nis. The author of the exhibition, Nikola Nik Ilić, the envoy of the defense of the United Kingdom in Belgrade, was guided by this very idea. The exhibition was opened by the British Ambassador to Belgrade Sian


  • City of Nis joined the Project Open Data – Appear on the Map implemented by Association PALGO smart which is supported within the Platform Open Data – Open Opportunities implemented by the Office for IT and E-Government and UNDP Serbia, with the support of the World Bank, the Good Governance Fund of Great Britain (GGF) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The project provides support to institutions in the process of opening up their data, but it also supports IT companies, civil society organizations and others who are interested in using this data creatively. Opening of the data owned by public institutions for their reuse is a strategic commitment of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and it is reflected in the Strategy for e-governance development in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2015 to 2018 and in the Action plan for the implementation of the international initiative Open Government Partnership (OGP) in the Republic of Serbia for 2016 and 2017. The project follows the recommendations set out in the Open Data Readiness Assessment conducted by UNDP and World Bank. On a wider scale, the project will contribute to efficient implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy and bring Serbia closer to the best European and global practices in the field of good governance. The purpose of the cooperation of the City of Nis in the Project is to raise awareness of the need for quality collection, input and reuse of data, to introduce the concept and mechanisms of the process of opening data in the City of Nis administration, to improve the capacity of the City of Nis through mentoring, as well as to open datasets on the web site of the City of Niš and on the National Open Data Portal.



  • The BLYTHSWOOD CARE charity, in cooperation with the Nis-based charity Love Your Neighbor, donated a fire truck to the Emergency Sector of the Ministry of Interior in Nis. The vehicle is of the Volvo brand and is equipped with state-of-the-art emergency equipment and a mini ambulance.
  • Nis City Mayor Zoran Perisic met with Dr. Julia Palmer, Secretary of Health at the City of London Administration and Dr. Elaine Laycock, a great friend of Nis, and a person who has been generously assisting local healthcare facilities with significant donations over the past 15 years. Dr. Laycock donated the equipment for equipping a children’s dental office for children with special needs. A total of seven fully equipped dental units arrived in Nis, and Dr. Laycock also assisted in equipping the kindergarten in Gornja Toponica as well as the palliative care unit in Knez Selo


  • The Elaine Laycock Foundation from England assisted opening of the kindergartens in the villages of Toponica, Gornji and Donji Matejevac over the last three years.


  • The representatives of the York Museum participated in a conference entitled Directions and Modalities for the International Cooperation of the City of Nis in the Field of Culture. The conference is part of the project “Development of the Program Basis and Promotion of the Nis City Office for International Cooperation in Science, Education and Culture”. The first day of the conference was the final step before the establishment of the Nis City Office for International Cooperation in Science, Education and Culture. Its purpose was to hear, after initial internal consultations, the opinions and suggestions of important partners outside the city – representatives of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, cultural attachés of embassies and cultural centers in Serbia, representatives of the donor community and local experts in the field of cultural policies. The second day of the conference was dedicated to presentations and exchange of experience in the field of research, protection, valorization and promotion of the cultural heritage of Constantine cities: Trier (Germany), Arles (France), Milan (Italy), Izmit (Turkey), Carnuntum – Petronell (Austria), York (United Kingdom) and Nis (Serbia).
  • The visit of Nis City delegation to Leeds resulted in joining the Central and Eastern European Business Network (CEBN), which connected UK companies with potential Central and Eastern European business partners to promote the economic, tourism, sports and cultural potential of networked cities. It was agreed that Nis would be the coordinator of networking of companies, business associations and local governments from Serbia to this organization.
  • The delegation of the Yorkshire County visited the City of Nis and presented to the city management the opportunities for improving economic and cultural cooperation.


  • The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy within the project Support to the Implementation of the Social Welfare Development Strategy in Serbia. This Memorandum regulates joint cooperation under the project “Support to the Implementation of the Social Welfare Development Strategy in Serbia” jointly funded by the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. The project addresses the improvement of local and inter-municipal (regional) social care services through improved planning, improved funding and monitoring of local social protection services. This program is implemented in 24 municipalities.


  • The exhibition of photographs “Yugoslav – British Relations”, composed of 64 photographs that best illustrate the historical, cultural, economic and diplomatic relations of Yugoslavia and Britain was opened at Nis National Museum. In addition to recent photographs, some of the photographs date back to the First World War times, when a large number of British doctors and paramedics resided in Yugoslavia.


  • The delegation of Kent County and Municipal Authorities paid a multi-day visit to the City of Nis during which they discussed with the representatives of city authorities, public companies and the private sector the possibilities of establishing cooperation. This is already the second phase of the Kent-Nis collaboration, on the occasion of which British guests have already approached their government and the European Commission for the realization of financial assistance to Nis. On this occasion they donated computer equipment for the City of Nis. The cooperation is part of the project of establishing twinning relations between British cities and towns in Serbia.