The monument dedicated to the liberators is located at the central location of the city, King Milan Square. It presents the period of wars for liberation waged against the Turks, Bulgarians, and Germans. The monument contains inscriptions on the four most significant years of this period: 1874 and 1877 – the period of the fight for liberation from the Turks, and 1915 and 1918 – the beginning of the occupation and the liberation of the city in World War One. The monument is made of black marble and has a broad base with four reliefs, a bronze sculpture and a high pedestal whose lower part exhibits figural compositions of soldiers fighting. At the top of the monument there is a natural size horse rider – the Herald of Liberty, holding a flag. The monument was presented to the public on 28 June 1937, on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Nis from the Turks. This monumental sculpture is one of the most significant creations of more modern Yugoslav art, made by the well-known sculptor from Zagreb, Croatia, Antun Augustincic. In 1983 it became protected by the law as part of the national heritage.