Article No 52 of the Law on Public Enterprises (Official Gazette of RS, No 15/2016) provides that the Acting General Manager may be appointed to the moment of the appointment of the General Manager of a public company after a public competition for a period not longer than one year. Given the fact that the acting general managers at PUC City Heating Plant and PUC Gorica completed their term of office, and that according to the Law on Public Enterprises, the same person cannot be appointed twice as the general manager, Committee for the Appointment of Nis City Assembly, acting in accordance with the law and Statute of the City of Nis, will propose to the members of the Nis City Assembly to decide on the appointment of the new acting general managers of the two companies.
Acting general manager must meet the requirements for appointment of public company general managers referred to in Article 25 of this Law and shall have all the rights, duties and powers that of a public company general manager. The City Council cannot speculate who will be appointed as the new acting general managers given that their appointment is not within the competence of the City Council but of the Nis City Assembly Committee for the appointment.