

International Childhood Cancer Day is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families. The day promotes increased appreciation and deeper understanding of issues and challenges relevant to childhood cancer and impacting on children/adolescents with cancer, the survivors, their families and the society as a whole. It also spotlights the need for more equitable and better access to treatment and care for all children with cancer, everywhere.

Nis is one of 40 cities in Serbia which marked International Day of Children with Cancer with more than 1,000 citizens of Nis gathering at one of the city squares. More than 1000 balloons soared into the sky supporting the campaign “I Am Fighting” carried out by the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer NURDOR.

Anyone who wants to help the second phase of construction of oncology department in Nis, whose completion is expected later this year, can do so by sending an SMS to 1150. The new activity called old stuff for new hope as way of raising funds for oncology ward of Nis was also presented. So far, 25 million dinars were collected for the implementation of the second phase of construction of a new oncology department, but more funds are needed before this ward can become operational. The new clinic will meet all European standards for the treatment of oncology patients, it will have two floors, separated stationary part, separate day hospital, six rooms with bathrooms, beds for parents so that can stay all the time with their children during treatment. In Serbia every day a child is diagnosed with this terrible disease, every week one child loses this battle, and 500 children are treated for cancer annually.

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