November 14th

The flower wreaths were laid at the Military Cemetery in Nis on the occasion of the Day of Armistice in the First World War, and the rector of Prizren’s Theology School Milutin Timotijevic previously held memorial service for the dead soldiers and victims of war. The day of the truce in World War I and the capitulation of Germany is marked in Serbia since 2012 as a national holiday. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 was an armistice during the First World War between the Allies and Germany – also known as the Armistice of Compiegne after the location in which it was signed – and the agreement that ended the fighting on the Western Front. It went into effect at 11 a.m. Paris time on 11 November 1918 (“the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”), and marked a victory for the Allies and a complete defeat for Germany, although not formally a surrender.